How you can support the Education Foundation...
Over 20 years ago, with an anonymous donation, The Education Foundation of the Berea City School District was organized with a specific mission to invest in our students. Today, the Foundation is continuing that mission thanks to the generosity of our community. Support for our students comes in many forms:
Legacy Gifts
As a member of the Foundation Community, one way you can support the Foundation is through a bequest in your will to the Education Foundation. Please consult with your attorney or financial advisor when leaving a bequest. Suggested language is as follows: “I give, devise, and bequeath to The Education Foundation, with offices located at 390 Fair St. Berea, OH 44017, the sum of [state amount] to be used for general endowment purposes.” Click here for a printable letter of intent.
Employer-Matching Gifts
You can double or even triple the amount of your gift to The Education Foundation, at no additional cost to yourself, through employer matching gifts. Many companies and organizations will match charitable contributions made by employees and employee spouses.
Recurring Gifts *
Recurring gifts are the most convenient way to give to The Education Foundation. When you set up a recurring gift, we will charge a monthly donation, in an amount you choose, to your debit or credit card for as many months as you specify. Recurring gifts are the perfect way to ensure that you give to the Foundation every year, without having to remember to give to the Foundation every year. They are also a great way to fit giving into your budget, and allow you to break a larger gift down into more manageable monthly chunks.
One-Time Gifts *
Every gift to The Education Foundation benefits the students of Berea City School District. You may request that your donation be used to support a specific scholarship or grant fund, the Foundation’s endowment, or the Foundation’s greatest need at that time. Cash or check donations may be mailed to The Education Foundation, 390 Fair St. Berea, OH 44017.
* Online Donations
Donations to The Education Foundation may be made in any amount using the form below.
Legacy Gifts
As a member of the Foundation Community, one way you can support the Foundation is through a bequest in your will to the Education Foundation. Please consult with your attorney or financial advisor when leaving a bequest. Suggested language is as follows: “I give, devise, and bequeath to The Education Foundation, with offices located at 390 Fair St. Berea, OH 44017, the sum of [state amount] to be used for general endowment purposes.” Click here for a printable letter of intent.
Employer-Matching Gifts
You can double or even triple the amount of your gift to The Education Foundation, at no additional cost to yourself, through employer matching gifts. Many companies and organizations will match charitable contributions made by employees and employee spouses.
Recurring Gifts *
Recurring gifts are the most convenient way to give to The Education Foundation. When you set up a recurring gift, we will charge a monthly donation, in an amount you choose, to your debit or credit card for as many months as you specify. Recurring gifts are the perfect way to ensure that you give to the Foundation every year, without having to remember to give to the Foundation every year. They are also a great way to fit giving into your budget, and allow you to break a larger gift down into more manageable monthly chunks.
One-Time Gifts *
Every gift to The Education Foundation benefits the students of Berea City School District. You may request that your donation be used to support a specific scholarship or grant fund, the Foundation’s endowment, or the Foundation’s greatest need at that time. Cash or check donations may be mailed to The Education Foundation, 390 Fair St. Berea, OH 44017.
* Online Donations
Donations to The Education Foundation may be made in any amount using the form below.